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[ News ] Seoul Forward(Hong Kong): Your Next Business Destination
Date: 2024-05-10

please see details down below

동행•매력 특별시 서울




June 11th, 2024

13:00 HKT

Hotel Alexandra HongKong

Invest Seoul is pleased to invite you to our "Seoul Forward, Your Next Business Destination" Conference , which will be held on June 11th, 2024 at Alexandra Hotel HongKong. The conference is hosted by Seoul Metropolitan Government.

Drawing upon our extensive knowledge and experience, we support the entry of leading global enterprises in to Seoul and strive to provide optimized services tailored to the needs of global companies and investors in HongKong who are interested in exploring business opportunities and partnerships in Seoul.


please see details down below



Event Overview

the table about the events name, venue, date
EVENT NAME SEOUL FORWARD: Your Next Business Destination
Venue Alexandra Hong Kong
Event Date June 11th 2024 13:00-17:00

Key Programs


Introduction of Seoul and Support program

Stories of expanding to Seoul

1:1 Consulting

Detailed schedules

the table about the time and agenda of the event
Time Program Agenda
Seminar 12:30-13:00 Realstration
13:00-13:20 Opening Ceremony
13:20-13:35 MOU Ceremony
13:35-13:50 Kevnote Speech (success Stories of Expanding to Seoul)
13:50-14:00 Guidance on Expansion to Seoul - Introduction to Invest Seouland Support Prodrams
14:00-17:00 Networking Reception
1:1 Consulting 14:00-17:00 fields
  • Law
  • Tax
  • Foreian Exchange
  • Labor



‘Seoul, Your Next Business Destination’



Invest Seoul is pleased to invite you to our 2024 Hong Kong Conference which is held on June 11th, 2024 at Hotel Alexandra Hong Kong.
The conference is hosted by Invest Seoul, a Foreign Investment Promotion Agency established by Seoul Metropolitan Government.


Based on our extensive knowledge and experience, we support leading global enterprises' entry into Seoul and endeavor to provide optimized service for the needs of global companies and investors in Hong Kong who are interested in exploring business opportunities in Seoul.


Please kindly find the event details below :


2024 SEOUL FORWARD: Seoul, Your Next Business Destination 


June 11th, 2024


Hotel Alexandra Hong Kong


        Information Session for global companies and startups based in Hong Kong interested in entering Seoul.

        1:1 consulting (law, Tax, Labor, Foreign exchange)


Hong Kong-based companies that hope to extend business in Seoul

How to Apply

Please fill out the application form via the link below :

Application link


We provide the programs related to FDI Services as below :

1:1 Consulting

Consulting regarding the law, Tax, Labor, and Foreign exchange for business establishment and running


Seminars related to Invest Seoul's Services, Support program

FDI Services

Invest Seoul’s support services for Hong Kong-based companies


To provide you with detailed information about our services and address any inquiries you may have, we are hosting a roadshow at Hotel Alexandra Hong Kong on Tuesday, June 11. This event will provide valuable insights into the benefits of investing in Seoul and how our services can support your growth. We encourage you to attend the roadshow and take advantage of this opportunity.