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[ Consulting ] ISC consulting service for foreign-invested companies in 2021
Date: 2022-07-01

ISC consulting service for foreign-invested companies in 2021


▣ Overview

○ Target : Foreign-invested companies established or increased capital in 2021(based in Seoul)

○ How to apply : Send application with required documents via email(fdi@sba.seoul.kr)

○ Submission deadline : Until 10th of December, 2021
※ First come, First served until all the budget is exhausted


▣ Outline

○ Target : Foreign-invested companies established or increased capital in 2021※ Company should be based in Seoul and the amount of FDI being 100M or more

○ Contents



Scale of Support

Labor law

- Advice(labor law, labor contract and employment rule, regulation arrangement, labor union, etc)
- Consulting(labor conflict, Incident proxy)
- Labor seminar(legal compulsory education and guideline, etc)

1% of the amount of FD

ex) FDI 100M → Offer 1M

※ Limit is up to 10M per company


- Searching for employees/recommendation
- Verify HR(Academic background, career and reputation)
- Career consulting and coaching, etc


- Company in general(Article of Incorporation, Contracts with existing investors, etc.)
- Asset/insurance/conflict(legal and contract restrictions, intellectual property right, major conflicts, etc)
- Sales/Contract(Review the contract details and poison pill, risk management, etc)


- Tax accounting and audit related advice
- Tax ledger(Value added tax/corporate tax/general income tax, etc)

※ For downloading the application, please refer to the website of ISC (http://investseoul.org).

▣ Process

Submit documents after selecting an agency and making the transaction

pplication(All year around)

After reviewing documents, a subsidy will be provided

Corporation(or a proxy)

※ When a proxy apply for this program on behalf of the company, they must submit their id card.


* Applying by email ONLY

Invest Seoul Center


▣ Required documents

① Application and information usage agreement
② Service contract or estimate of agency
③ Business license or certificate of the agency
④ Report of service with evidential documents
⑤ Service fee transfer statement and receipt
⑥ A bank account of foreign-invested company
⑦ Certified of corporate register of foreign-invested company
⑧ Certificate of foreign-invested company registration
⑨ Business license of foreign-invested company

※ For capital increase, it is necessary to submit a Foreign Investment Report or Certificate of Foreign Refund Purchase

※ If any required document is not submitted, your application will be automatically processed as incomplete.

▣ Contact

○ Person in charge : Shin, Sumin (Manager)

○ Department : Seoul Business Agency, Invest Seoul Center, Investment & Startups Support Team

○ Tel : 02-6361-4124 / Email : clare33@sba.seoul.kr

  • ISC application form of consulting service for foreign-invested companiesIName 외투기업 성장컨설팅 신청서이름.docx [바로보기] [다운로드]
  • Notice of consulting support for foreign-invested company 외투기업 성장컨설팅 공고문_ISC2021.pdf [바로보기] [다운로드]